Stone-Campbell Journal Conference
Stone Campbell Scholars Community
Stone Campbell International

Volume 9 Issue 2

After 100 years of division, we were together. This summer’s North American Christian Convention, themed "Together in Christ," brought over 10,000 believers from the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement to Louisville, KY, June 27–30 to share together in worship and workshops. The stunning news: over 1,000 came from Churches of Christ (a cappella). All phases of the convention were blended, from main session speakers to worship teams, from workshops to Bible Studies. People like Jerry Taylor (Abilene Christian University), Prentice Hall (Prestonville Church of Christ, Dallas, TX), and Jeff Walling (Providence Road Church of Christ, Charlotte, NC) spoke in main sessions, with over 20 others involved in workshops.

Three SCJ editors participated: Doug Foster (workshops on the 1906 U.S. Census that formalized the division between the Churches of Christ [a cappella] and what was then the Disciples of Christ, and one on the Personalities of the Movement), Jesse Long (in the archaeology workshop), and John Mark Hicks (workshop on baptism and the Lord’s Supper and the SCJ NACC lecture "Learning from 1906."

In the closing session, Rick Atchley (Richland Hills Church of Christ, Fort Worth TX) who made the stirring plea three years ago at the 2003 NACC in Indianapolis (See SCJ 6.2, p. 161) calling for a family reunion of Christian Churches (independent) and Churches of Christ (a cappella) closed out this conference. He noted the many ways in which we are now cooperating, in church planting, in missions, in conferences. He appealed for more. Having waged war, and called a truce, based on Eph 6:10-24 he appealed for us now to "wage unity." I agree. We have really only cracked open the door. Now it’s time to expand our areas of cooperation as wide as we can imagine. The ministry of SCJ, with our blended board, editors, contributors, subscribers, advertisers, as well as SCJ conference speakers and participants is proof that we are better when we cooperate. But what’s next? Could we pursue joint research and publication projects? Could we share more professors as guest lecturers, visiting and adjunct professors? What about students? Can student study programs, trips, be shared? What about on- Stone-Campbell Journal 9 (Fall, 2006) 161–2 Editor’s Preface line courses, graduate studies? How about an identifiable community of scholars drawn from all three streams of the movement? Have other ideas? Let me know. I’m open.

In the area of shared publication, ACU Press (in association with Stone-Campbell International, publisher of SCJ) released Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement, Volume 2: Engaging Basic Christian Doctrine at the June NACC. This volume includes 19 presentations from the last five years (2001–2005) of the Stone-Campbell Study Group at Evangelical Theological Society and is published as a companion to Volume 1, published by InterVarsity in 2002, which included the first five years (1996–2000). With the first volume dealing with matters of conversion (faith, Holy Spirit, baptism), the current volume deals with God (Duane Warden, Robert Kurka, Jack Cottrell, John Sanders), Christ (Carisse Mickey Berryhill, Brian Johnson, Paul Pollard, Gary Burge), Lord’s Supper (Lynn McMillon, Mark Krause, John Mark Hicks, I. Howard Marshall), eschatology (Richard Cherok, Edward Myers, Grant Osborne), and the Old Testament (Gary Hall, Terry Briley, Paul Kissling, and Danny Carroll). With a similar format, teaming scholars from Churches of Christ (a cappella) and Christian Churches followed by a response from a noted evangelical in the field, the authors in this volume engage in unique discussions about these topics. Barry Blackburn, Professor of NT at Atlanta Christian College, the first biblical professor from Church of Christ (a cappella) background hired (20 years ago) at a Christian church (independent) school, provides a helpful review in this volume.

This volume welcomes renowned theologian Clark Pinnock who contributes his mind-stretching lecture from the SCJ conference investigating scientific knowledge of the universe in relationship to biblical understanding of the Holy Spirit. I first experienced his engaging mind at work when I visited Trinity Evangelical Divinity School as a prospective student in 1973. I have always appreciated his pioneer spirit in theology but never imagined having the opportunity to publish his work like this. This volume also contains the first in a series of articles to be published on the state of biblical scholarship in the three streams of the Stone-Campbell Movement, starting with Churches of Christ (a capella) by consulting editor, Mark Hamilton. Austin Bennett Amonette SCJ 9 (Fall, 2006): 1–2 162 investigates Campbell’s enigmatic relationship with the Baptists of his day. James Estep analyzes how the word "Christian" might distinguish Christian education from just education in the church. Ron Clark challenges readers to rethink a crucial passage in 1 Timothy. Finally, Carl Bridges provocatively defends Mark16:9-20 as canonical.

Finally, the sixth annual SCJ Conference, again hosted by Cincinnati Bible Seminary-Graduate Division of Cincinnati Christian University, is April 13-14, 2007 (8:30 AM, Fri–Noon, Sat). The theme: To The Ends of the Earth: The Christian Mission in New Testament Perspective features Special Guest Lecturer Eckhard Schnabel (Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) who will present “The Mission of the Twelve” and “The Mission of Paul.” Three other guest speakers will explore the Christian mission in other NT areas. John Harrison (Professor of New Testament and Ministry, Oklahoma Christian University) will present "The Formative Role of the Mathean Parables." Jon Weatherly (Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament, Cincinnati Christian University) will present "The Fulfillment of Israel’s Hope in Acts." Jerry Sumney (Professor of Biblical Studies, Lexington Theological Seminary) will present “The ‘People of God’ in Paul’s Missionary Work.” Other related papers or papers on other biblical, theological, or historical topics are sought for parallel sessions, from experienced scholars as well as from student scholars. Send your paper title (no abstract needed) to William Baker, SCJ Editor, by December 1, 2006, to Information on conference registration is available at the SCJ website ( or from conference registrar, Susan Fisher (; phone: 513-284-5853. A formal student-paper competition is also being organized for students at two levels (juniors/seniors and graduate). Those interested should contact Rick Cherok ( by December 1, 2006, for details.

William R. Baker, Editor

Houston Graduate School of Theology
Abilene Christian University
McMaster Divinity College
Lincoln Christian Seminary
Johnson Bible College
Download book reviews for this issue.

Craig M. Watts, Disciple of Peace: Alexander Campbell on Pacifism, Violence and the State

Jess Hale, Hendersonville, TN

Peter A. Verkruyse, Prophet, Pastor, and Patriarch: The Rhetorical Leadership of Alexander Campbell

Lee Snyder, University of Nebraska at Kearney

James A. Sheppard, Christendom at the Crossroads: The Medieval Era

Lorna Shoemaker, Christian Theological Seminary

Jonathan Hill, What Has Christianity Ever Done for Us? How It Shaped the Modern World

Scott Womble, St. Louis Christian College

David W. Bebbington, The Dominance of Evangelicalism: The Age of Spurgeon and Moody

Jerry Gaw, Lipscomb University

Laura K. Simmons, Creed without Chaos: Exploring Theology in the Writings of Dorothy L. Sayers

Leslie Starasta, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary

James K.A. Smith, Introducing Radical Orthodoxy: Mapping a Post-Secular Theology

Philip Kenneson, Milligan College

James K.A. Smith and James H. Olthuis, eds., Radical Orthodoxy and the Reformed Tradition

Lee Blackburn, University of Notre Dame

Douglas McCready, He Came Down from Heaven: The Preexistence of Christ and the Christian Faith

Holly Carey, University of Edinburgh

John G. Stackhouse, Jr., Finally Feminist: A Pragmatic Christian Understanding of Gender

Bob Hull, Emmanuel School of Religion

Jack O. Balswick, Pamela King, and Kevin S. Reimer, The Reciprocating Self: Human Development in Theological Perspective

Tim Barber, Cincinnati Christian University

Frank A. Spina, The Faith of the Outsider: Exclusion and Inclusion in the Biblical Story

Ralph Hawkins, Bethel College

Lamar Williamson Jr., Preaching the Gospel of John

Joseph Grana, Hope International University

Stephen Seamands, Ministry in the Image of God: The Trinitarian Shape of Christian Service

Dave Maddack, Crown Point, IN

Shane A. Hipps, The Hidden Power of Electronic Culture: How Media Shapes Faith, the Gospel, and Church

Chris McCarthy, Roanoke Bible College

Jeff Astley, Lesley Francis, John Sullivan, and Andrew Walker, eds., The Idea of a Christian University: Essays on Theology and Higher Education

Robert Kurka, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary

Phillip Charles Lucas and Thomas Robbins, eds., New Religious Movements in the 21st Century

Brian Jennings, Ghana Christian College & Seminary

Michael Popock, Gailyn Van Rheenen, and Douglas McConnell, The Changing Face of World Missions: Engaging Contemporary Issues and Trends

Douglas Priest, Christian Missionary Fellowship

Kevin J. Vanhoozer, Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible

Mark Krause, Puget Sound Christian College

Wayne Grudem, Leland Ryken, C. John Collins, Vern S. Poythress, Bruce Winter. Translating Truth: The Case for Essentially Literal Bible Translation<//i>

Lee Fields, Roanoke Bible College

John J. Collins, Introduction to the Hebrew Bible

Sara Fudge, Cincinnati Christian University

Bill T. Arnold and H.G.M. Williamson, Dictionary of the Old Testament: Historical Books

Trevor Cochell, Baylor University

Victor H. Matthews, Old Testament Themes

John Nugent, Great Lakes Christian College

Derek Tidball, The Message of Leviticus

Mark Mangano, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary

Sigmund Mowinckel, The Psalms in Israel?s Worship

Walter Zorn, Lincoln Christian College & Seminary

David Instone-Brewer, Traditions of the Rabbis from the Era of the New Testament, vol. 1: Prayer and Agriculture

David Fiensy, Kentucky Christian University

Frank Thielman, Theology of the New Testament: A Canonical and Synthetic Approach

Markus McDowell, Westmont College

Rodolphe Kasser, Marvin Meyer, and Gregor Wurst, eds., The Gospel of Judas

Clay Ham, Dallas Christian College

Helen K. Bond, Caiaphas: Friend of Rome and Judge of Jesus?

Leslie Hardin, Florida Christian College

Chrys C. Caragounis, The Development of Greek and the New Testament: Morphology, Syntax, Phonology, and Textual Transmission

Mark Alterman, Manhattan Christian College

Larry W. Hurtado, How on Earth Did Jesus Become a God? Historical Questions about Earliest Devotion to Jesus

Judith Odor, Cincinnati Christian University

Craig L. Blomberg, Contagious Holiness: Jesus? Meals with Sinners

Carl Bridges, Johnson Bible College

Craig G Bartholomew, Joel B. Green, and Anthony C. Thiselton, eds., Reading Luke: Interpretation, Reflection, Formation

Alan Black, Harding University Graduate School of Religion

Colin G. Kruse, John

Ron Peters, Great Lakes Christian College

Charles H. Cosgrove, Herold Weiss, and K.K. Yeo. Cross-Cultural Paul: Journeys to Others, Journeys to Ourselves

Perry Stepp, Kentucky Christian University

Quotables for this issue were chosen by Judith Odor, Graduate Student, Cincinnati Christian University

"Campbell interpreted baptism as God's 'sensible pledge,' the assurance of salvation that can be apprehended through the five senses."

Austin Bennett Amonette, "Campbell and the Baptists" (SCJ 9.2:172)

"The reconceptualization of the Bible occurring today means a shift in the demand facing scholars within the fellowship."

Mark Hamilton, "Transition and Continuity" (SCJ 9.2:188)

"For scholarship to play a constructive role in the twenty-first century, Churches of Christ must give attention to the role scholars could play in the Stone-Campbell movement as a whole and the degree to which they share the values, practices, and experiences of other members of the community
that is, ways in which we all share a common heritage."

Mark Hamilton, "Transition and Continuity" (SCJ 9.2:201)

"Let us not forget that theology is a human effort to understand God's truth. Therefore, we submit it to the believing community where it can sink or swim. In theology, we feel our way and need the feedback of others." 

Clark Pinnock, The Other Hand of God" (SCJ 9.2:207)

"The presence of the Spirit in the church is the sign and foretaste of the reign of God which is breaking in upon the world. She is a church oriented toward mission and looking forward to the day when the knowledge of the Lord will cover the earth as the waters cover the sea. God is raising up a community of love and freedom to be a Spirit-anointed herald of the kingdom of God. We are to be a people who, in the wake of resurrection, respond to the Spirit and experience hope."

Clark Pinnock, The Other Hand of God" (SCJ 9.2:229)

"But as soon as Mark became part of a collection of Gospels, each of the others with its own account of Jesus' postresurrection appearances, the collectors may have felt the need to supply a similar ending for Mark."

Carl Bridges, "The Longer Ending of Mark" (SCJ 9.2:239)
"What would happen if the church started using Mark 16:9-20 as a legitimate part of the Gospel of Mark? Not much."
Carl Bridges, "The Longer Ending of Mark" (SCJ 9.2:241)

"Christian leadership in the church and family is about involvement rather than control. Christian leadership must first begin with this involvement and service in the home before it can extend to the congregation."

Ron Clark, "Family Management or Involvement?" (SCJ 9.2 251)

"One can only be grateful and hopeful in view of this emerging unified perspective, as well as the personal fellowship among these scholars."

Barry Blackburn, "Book Review of Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement, Vol 2" (SCJ 9.2:254)

"The sectarian nature of much of the Stone-Campbell Movement's history . . . has minimized non-polemical, fruitful interaction with other conservative Protestants."

Barry Blackburn, "Book Review of Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement, Vol 2" (SCJ 9.2:254)

"The Stone-Campbell Movement is an odd bird: it has more than two wings."

Barry Blackburn, "Book Review of Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement, Vol 2" (SCJ 9.2:254)
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William R. Baker
SCJ Editor 

James Sedlacek
Review Coordinator

Betsy Chastain
Conference Registration & Subscription Manager
(513) 284-5835

Joni Sullivan Baker
Director of Development and Communications

Jeff Painter
Conference Paper Coordinator & Copyeditor
Advertising Manager