Stone-Campbell Journal Conference
Stone Campbell Scholars Community
Stone Campbell International

Volume 8 Issue 2

Beginning with this issue, Stone-Campbell Journal is being published by Stone-Campbell International, a non-profit enterprise formed in 2005 to foster, produce, disseminate, and preserve scholarship in the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement. We are excited about the prospects for this new venture. Six individuals have agreed to serve on the initial board: William Baker, Doug Foster, Mark Lura, Jennifer Wagner, Jon Weatherly, and Paul Williams. A smooth hand-off of SCJ from College Press, former publisher, to SCInternational is nearly completed. Formal recognition from the IRS as a 501(c) 3 organization authorized to receive grants and tax-deductible contributions is anticipated soon. An organizational web site has been set up at Inquirers about financial support should contact me ( or Jeff Derico, Development Manager (317-989-4610). Make note that College Press should no longer receive subscription payments. All subscription issues should be directed to Pam Ralls at (; 513-837-3283). She has all the up-to-date information on your subscription.

Some changes are taking place in the editorial structure of SCJ. First, Rick Cherok, Professor of Church History, Cincinnati Christian University, has agreed to serve as a new editor. He has been helping assign reviews and evaluate articles for a while now. So I am pleased to make his role official. Second, over the years I have come to rely on a number or people to assist me from time to time with editorial issues from a cross-section of institutions. These individuals will now be recognized officially as Consulting Editors. Sixteen people have agreed to serve in this role:

Barry Blackburn (Atlanta Christian College); Carl Bridges (Johnson Bible College); Scott Caully (Center for the Study of Christian Origins, Tübingen, Germany); David Fiensy (Kentucky Christian College); Gary Hall (Lincoln Christian Seminary); Clay Ham (Dallas Christian College); Jennifer Hamilton (Rochester College); Mark Hamilton (Abilene Christian University); John Harrison (Oklahoma Christian University); Ronald Highfield (Pepperdine University); Gary Holloway (Lipscomb University); Mark Krause (Puget Sound Christian College); Phil Kenneson (Milligan College); Kevin Larsen (Roanoke Bible College); Jesse Long (Lubbock Christian University); Mary Ellen Pereira (Northwest Christian College).

SCJ will again partner with Cincinnati Bible Seminary and Cincinnati Christian University to offer the Fifth SCJ Conference, March 31–April 1, 2006. The theme: Embracing God in an Age of Confusion, features Special Guest lecturer, Clark Pinnock, Professor of Christian Interpretation, Emeritus, McMaster University), who will speak on “The Concept of Divine Self- Limitation” and “The Struggles of a Post-Conservative Evangelical Theologian.” Two other guest speakers are: Ronald Highfield (Pepperdine University), “Why Knowing God Compels Us to Seek, Follow, and Praise Him,” and John Castelein (Lincoln Christian Seminary), “The Intelligent Design of the Human Soul.” Papers are sought for parallel sessions on biblical, theological, or historical topics from experienced and student scholars. Send your paper title (no abstract needed) to William Baker, SCJ Editor, by December 1, 2005, to We are also hoping to add a formal, student paper competition and a variety of study groups. Information on conference registration will be available at the SCJ website ( or from conference registrar, Pam Ralls (; phone: 314-837-3283).

This first issue of the journal published by SCinternational maintains the high academic standards you have come to expect in the pages of SCJ. Robert Rea (Lincoln Christian Seminary) provides an excellent comparison of views from the early leaders of the Stone-Campbell Movement with those in the holiness movement. Andy Olree (Faulkner University) offers a fascinating examination of moral issues and law from the perspective of a lawyer who is very concerned about what the NT says. Carrie Birmingham (Pepperdine University) goes deep into the phenomenon of Harry Potter, giving SCJ a second article following the fine one in SCJ 7.1 by James Sennett. M. Danny Carrol R. (Denver Seminary) has allowed SCJ to publish one of his excellent lectures from the 2005 SCJ Conference (April 15-16) giving a much-needed OT perspective on worship. Gregory Linton (Great Lakes Christian College) provides a solid examination of house churches, and Lee Snyder (University of Nebraska at Kearney) takes a new look at the book of Revelation.

You will see we are keeping the blue and yellow cover. Most people liked the nonglossy cover. So, here it is again.

William R. Baker, Editor

Lincoln Christian Seminary


Early Stone-Campbell leaders had much to say about the concept of holiness. In fact, they considered holiness to be at the core of Christianity and essential to the Great Commission—decisive for Christian purpose, identity, and happiness; foundational for Christian unity and evangelism. In discussing the process for developing holiness, this article corrects an oftenrepeated misunderstanding about Alexander Campbell’s own view of the working of the Holy Spirit in conversion and sanctification.

Faulkner University


In the past five years, many evangelical leaders in the United States have been issuing public statements of opinion about public policy in reaction to particular events that have garnered nationwide media attention. Their opinions seem to proceed from longstanding assumptions among many evangelicals about God’s will for governments. This article examines those assumptions in light of Romans 12 and 13, concluding that God may well have ordained governments for more limited purposes than these leaders assume.

Pepperdine University


Replete with Christian symbols, patterns, and allegories, the Harry Potter
series baptizes the reader’s imagination into the essence of the Christian
story. Just under the surface of the narrative, the heart of our redemption—
victorious resurrection through the sacrifice of love—is experienced
time and time again. For millions of readers, the Harry Potter series is a
compelling introduction to Christianity.

Denver Seminary


Disagreements today about worship often are generated by limiting it to
“experiencing God.” This article proposes that worship recognize its role in
shaping Christian identity and preparing the people of God for its mission
in the world. Interpretive anthropology helps clarify the function of worship
and serves as an introduction to the prophetic perspective. The book of
Amos teaches that worship must be willing to question reigning ideologies,
deal with the realities of life, and nurture a commitment to justice.

Great Lakes Christian College


The research on the physical setting of early Christian gatherings reveals the centrality of meals in house church meetings. This article first examines the types of residences in which Christians may have gathered, the New Testament evidence for house churches, and the influence of residential settings on house churches. Then it examines the New Testament evidence for meals during house church meetings and the cultural customs associated with meals.

University of Nebraska at Kearney


To believers who were in jeopardy, the writer of Revelation presented powerful arguments to encourage them to persevere. Rhetorical analysis shows that he contrasted a mundane and a transcendent worldview. He argued in favor of the transcendent one by urging his readers to favor God’s reality over that of their culture, to believe God’s interpretation of their situation over their own limited one, and to value God’s purposes in their history over those of a materialistic world.

Download book reviews for this issue.

Doris L. Bergen, ed., The Sword of the Lord: Military Chaplains from the First to the Twenty-First Century

James S. O?Brien, Cincinnati, OH

Stanley K. Fowler, More Than a Symbol

Anthony J. Springer, Dallas Christian College

James M. Penning and Corwin E. Smidt, Evangelicalism: The Next Generation

James Riley Estep, Jr, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary

J.P. Moreland and William Lane Craig, Philosophical Foundations for a Christian Worldview

James F. Sennett, Lincoln Christian College & Seminary

Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen, The Doctrine of God: A Global Introduction

Ron Highfield, Pepperdine University

Fumitaka Matsuoka and Eleazar S. Fernandez, eds., Realizing the Theology in Our Hearts: Theological Voices of Asian Americans

Robert D. Jackson, Bethel Park, PA

Fleming Rutledge, The Battle for Middle Earth: Tolkien?s Divine Design in The Lord of the Rings

Carrie Birmingham, Pepperdine University

John G. Stackhouse Jr., ed., Evangelical Ecclesiology: Reality or Illusion?

Todd Edmondson, Irvington, KY

Timothy George, ed., Pilgrims on the Sawdust Trail: Evangelical Ecumenism and the Quest for Christian Identity

Todd Edmondson, Irvington, KY

Terrance L. Tiessen, Who Can Be Saved? Reassessing Salvation in Christ and World Religions

Edward Fudge, Katy, TX

George & Dora Winston, Recovering Biblical Ministry by Women: An Exegetical Response to Traditionalism and Feminism

T. Scott Womble, Saint Louis Christian College

Richard T. Hughes, Myths America Lives By

Dawn Alexander-Payne, Abilene Christian University

Carl A. Raschke, The Next Reformation: Why Evangelicals Must Embrace Postmodernity

Mark S. Krause, Puget Sound Christian College

Chris Altrock, Preaching to Pluralists: How to Proclaim Christ in a Postmodern Age

Guthrie Veech, Kentucky Christian University

Bruce E. Shields, Preaching Romans

Jonathan A. Partlow, Madisonville, KY

Gordon T. Smith, The Voice of Jesus: Discernment, Prayer and the Witness of the Spirit

Leslie Starasta, Lincoln Christian College & Seminary

Marcus J. Borg, The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith

J. David Miller, Milligan College

Lyle W. Dorsett, Seeking the Secret Place: The Spiritual Formation of C.S. Lewis

Rick Cherok, Cincinnati Christian University

Jan Linn, Twenty-Two Keys to Being a Minister without Quitting or Wishing for Early Retirement

Les Hardin, Florida Christian College

Richard J. Mouw and Mark A. Noll, eds., Wonderful Words of Life: Hymns in American Protestant History & Theology

Ken E. Read, Cincinnati Christian University

John D. Witvliet, Worship Seeking Understanding: Windows into Christian Practice

Kent Sanders, Saint Louis Christian College

I. Howard Marshall, Beyond the Bible: Moving from Scripture to Theology

Clay Alan Ham, Dallas Christian College

Bruce D. Chilton and Jacob Neusner, Classical Christianity and Rabbinic Judaism: Comparing Theologies

Jeremy S. Miselbrook, Loyola University Chicago

Warren Carter, Pontius Pilate: Portraits of a Roman Governor

Brian E. Messner, Lincoln Christian College

Iain Provan, V. Phillips Long, Tremper Longman III, A Biblical History of Israel

Gary Hall, Lincoln Christian Seminary

William M. Schniedewind, How the Bible Became a Book: The Textualization of Ancient Israel

Walt Zorn, Lincoln Christian College & Seminary

William P. Brown, ed., The Ten Commandments: The Reciprocity of Faithfulness

Joe M. Sprinkle, Crossroads College

Fritz Volkmar, 1 & 2 Kings, Continental Commentary

Don Sanders, Saint Louis Christian College

Robert K. Johnston, Useless Beauty: Ecclesiastes through the Lens of Contemporary Film

C. Robert Wetzel, Emmanuel School of Religion

Brevard S. Childs, The Struggle to Understand Isaiah as Christian Scripture

Douglas Redford, Cincinnati Christian University

Ben Witherington III, The New Testament Story

Carl B. Bridges, Johnson Bible College

Grant Osborne and Scot McKnight, The Face of New Testament Studies: A Survey of Recent Research

William Baker, Cincinnati Christian University

Terry L. Wilder, Pseudonymity, the New Testament, and Deception: An Inquiry into Intention and Reception

Beth McCabe, Hebrew Union College

Michael J. McClymond, Familiar Stranger: An Introduction to Jesus of Nazareth

Carl B. Bridges, Johnson Bible College

Mark Goodacre and Nicholas Perrin, Questioning Q: A Multidimensional Critique

Ted Smith, Dallas Christian College

Larry Chouinard, Matthew

Mark S. Krause, Puget Sound Christian College

E. Randolph Richards, Paul and First-Century Writing: Secretaries, Composition and Collection

Dale Cornett, Boise Bible College

Donald P. Senior and Daniel J. Harrington, 1 Peter, Jude, 2 Peter

Michael Moss, Lipscomb University
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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



William R. Baker
SCJ Editor 

James Sedlacek
Review Coordinator

Betsy Chastain
Conference Registration & Subscription Manager
(513) 284-5835

Joni Sullivan Baker
Director of Development and Communications

Jeff Painter
Conference Paper Coordinator & Copyeditor
Advertising Manager