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The Violence of the Lamb: Revelation’s Imagery

Walter D. Zorn
Professor Emeritus of Old Testament
Lincoln Christian University


Wrath is often accompanied by violent action no matter its source. Revelation presents “the Lamb as having been slaughtered” acting as “the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David” (Rev 5:5) who conquers. The Lamb conquers by being slaughtered by Evil (the cross)! Yet, the Lamb still stands (the resurrection, exaltation, and enthronement). Throughout Revelation, the “violence” of the Lamb surges forth in judgment against both “cowardly” and “faithless” Christians (the Letters to the Seven Churches). It also stands against the evil entities (dragon, two beasts) behind an evil, totalitarian government that persecutes and even martyrs Christians because of their testimony concerning Jesus. The “military imagery” throughout Revelation is ultimately fulfilled in the Lamb’s violent casting of those who follow the beasts and beastly governments into the “lake of fire and sulfur.” Only the Lamb can open the seven seals unleashing seven trumpets and ultimately seven bowls of wrath. In the end the “Lamb” (Suffering Servant), as a victorious “Lion” (Davidic Messiah), is found to be “trustworthy and true” (Rev 19:11).

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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



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