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Evolution as Mythology: Is the Modern Theory of Evolution Science or Myth?

Hugh Henry
Lecturer in Physic
Northern Kentucky University

Daniel J. Dyke
Associate Professor of Old Testament
Cincinnati Christian University

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Abstract (copy 1)

The  three  pillars  of  the  naturalistic  Theory  of  Evolution—abiogenesis, microevolution, and macroevolution—are reviewed in the context of mythology and of the modern scientific method. It is observed that three critical elements  of  a  scientific  theory  are  not  met:  predictability,  reproducibility,  and falsifiable testability. On the other hand, the theory conforms quite well to the characteristics of a myth. Right or wrong, naturalistic evolution in its current state seems more myth than science.

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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



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