Stone-Campbell Journal Conference
Stone Campbell Scholars Community
Stone Campbell International

Volume 10 Issue 2

10.2 Quote

Ten years. That's right. Ten years. Who would have believed that the fledgling effort to launch this journal in the Spring of 1998 could have survived, much less develop into the growing enterprise that constitutes SCJ today.

I do remember the night the idea that was percolating in my mind to start an academic journal to represent Christian Churches (independent) in particular but the wider Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement in general came out into the open. Chris DeWelt, then president of College Press, had swung through St. Louis to meet with me in my office at Saint Louis Christian College on a Sunday night in 1997 to talk about the status of my 2 Corinthians commentary for the NIV College Press Commentary Series. After talking briefly about that, I asked him about other efforts I had heard about to launch a journal. When he said they had not come to fruition, I asked the burning question, "Do you still want to start one? Because if you do, I think I can put together a team to pull it off." When he said, "Yea, I think so," that was all I needed to hear. I quickly contacted the young, ambitious scholars from Christian churches (independent) that I had been thinking about—Paul Kissling (Old Testament), Jon Weatherly (New Testament), and Richard Knopp (philosophy)—and those from Churches of Christ (a cappella) I had in mind—Doug Foster (history) and Paul Pollard (NT)—and we became the editorial board for the first three years.

Since then others have come on to the editorial board and a consulting board of 16 was added in 2005 and currently numbers 17. SCJ also left the nest of College Press in 2005 to form Stone-Campbell International, a non-profit entity established to promote and preserve scholarship in the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement. SCJ Conference at which hundreds of scholars, students, and ministers gather annually for mutual support and stimulation since 2001, has becoming bigger and better every year. SCJ has sponsored an annual lecture at the North American Christian Convention since 2001.The website, begun  in 2002 and scheduled for a breathtaking re-launch any moment, has had thousands of visitors from all over the world.

Four people who deserve public recognition for their crucial part in SCJ over the years should be mentioned in this edition that celebrates ten years of SCJ. Two people whose names always appear in the fine print of the inside front cover but probably go unnoticed are Shy and Dan Rees. Shy has copyedited all twenty issues of SCJ and Dan has typeset them. They continue to be a great team to work with. Two other people do not appear anywhere on the journal, Jeff Derico and Joni Sullivan Baker (my wife). Both have been invaluable consultants especially in the last few years of transition and development. Also deserving of recognition is Cincinnati Christian University, which has been highly supportive of this enterprise, both personally and institutionally.

Finally, warm thanks goes to subscribers, especially the 130 or so
original subscribers who have stood by SCJ through our many stages of growth. Thanks also to our new group of financial supporters we call Millennial Scholars (yes, a nod to Millennial Harbinger) who have become initial donors to our annual fundraising effort to support the services of Stone-Campbell International that go beyond the printing and mailing of two issues a year to subscribers.

Fittingly, this volume features an article that evaluates the scholarship in Christian Churches (independent) since the separation from Disciples began in 1923. This article is the last in a series on this topic, the first concerning scholarship in Churches of Christ (a cappella) by Mark Hamilton in 9.2, the second concerning scholarship in the Disciples of Christ by Eugene Boring in 10.1. This article, written by Paul Kissling, Tony Springer, and myself, documents the encouraging signs of resurging scholarship in Christian churches, with over 65 Ph.D.'s accounted for in biblical and related studies. The work of most of them is probably unknown to SCJ readers, but we have tried very hard to publish this information throughout the article. If we have missed accounting for someone, please let me know and we will publish an addendum in the future. They deserve this recognition for the sacrifices they and their families have made to complete their various dissertations and writing projects, and SCJ is pleased to be able to provide it.

That's what SCJ is in this to do. Hopefully, many more articles will appear from these scholars and others for SCJ readers to profit from in future issues.

Also appearing in this issue is one of the fine lectures given by
Eckhard Schnabel at the 2007 SCJ Conference. Jam-packed with data
on Paul's travels, it challenges the notion of referring to Paul as conducting just three missionary journeys, when in fact he was conducting missionary work throughout all phases of his life after his conversion. Shawn Smith and Ross Moret provide two more articles in SCJ's growing collection on open theism. Smith challenges the claims of some open theists who wish to link their views to Justin Martyr. Moret astutely observes that, however biblical based open theism might or might not be, this understanding of God is inextricably linked to current North American trends in other related fields.

Finally, the seventh annual SCJ Conference, again hosted by Cincinnati Bible Seminary -- Graduate Division of Cincinnati Christian University, will be April 11-12, 2008 (8:30 AM, Fri - Noon, Sat). The theme is Back to the Future: Searching for Theology in the Stone-Campbell Movement. Guest lecturers include: Richard Hughes (Senior Fellow, Ernest L. Boyer Center, Distinguished Professor of Religion Messiah College) who will present "Converted Anew to Christ by Barton W. Stone," James Duke (Professor of Christianity and History of Christian Thought, Brite Divinity School) who will present Theology and Hermeneutics of the Early Stone-Campbell Movement," and Richard Cherok (Professor of Church History, Cincinnati Christian University) who will present, "The Apologetics of Alexander Campbell."

Other related papers or papers on other biblical, theological, or
historical topics are sought for parallel sessions from experienced and student scholars. Send your paper title (no abstract required) to me by December 1, 2007, to Further information and online registration is available on the SCJ website ( or from conference registrar, Sue Fisher (; phone: 513-284-5853). A formal student paper competition will occur at undergraduate and graduate levels. Contact Rick Cherok ( no later than December 1, 2007, for the details.

William R. Baker, Editor

Cincinnati Christian University, TCMI Institute, Dallas Christian College


Three generations since the split with the Disciples of Christ has seen scholarship in Christian Churches (independent) rebuild from its damaged status. With over 65 scholars in biblical, theological, and historical fields in this fellowship of churches, publications both academic and popular are beginning to appear, encouraged by such things as the Stone-Campbell Journal and the SCJ Conference. A solid path has been laid by scholars fully committed to Scripture, scholarship, and the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement to be followed by the growing number of younger scholars who are emerging.

Lincoln Christian College


Inclusivists argue that Justin Martyr was an inclusivist like themselves. Previous research has demonstrated that he was not a pluralist or an optimistic inclusivist. Distinguishing between an optimistic and pessimistic inclusivist, Justin should not be regarded as an inclusivist even of the pessimistic sort. His label of “Christian” for some ancient philosophers was figurative, and even if literal, its association with pre- Christian philosophers who had access to special revelation does not coincide with popular inclusivist expositions.

Valparaiso University


Open theism is a major point of controversy within the current evangelical community. Thus, the arguments regarding open theism must be understood to the greatest extent possible by all those who have a vested interest in evangelicalism. This study contends that open theism, although it is derived specifically from the biblical texts, is largely a product of recent political, social, and intellectual trends in North America.

Trinity Evangelical Divinity School


It has often been assumed that Paul targeted the major cities in the provinces in which he engaged in missionary work; indeed, his mission has been described as a “metropolis mission.” This essay investigates the various phases of Paul’s missionary work, beginning with his work in Damascus and in Arabia right after his conversion until his visit to Crete shortly before he was imprisoned for a second time. The available evidence of Paul’s letters and of Luke’s account in the book of Acts does not support the theory that Paul strategically targeted the major cities. Paul’s “method” of selecting cities for missionary work cannot be described with a simple formula because the locations of his ministry were determined by the particular situation of time, place, and opportunity.

Download book reviews for this issue.

Timothy L. Wood, Agents of Wrath, Sowers of Discord: Authority and Dissent in Puritan Massachusetts

Richard J. Cherok, Cincinnati Christian University

Ben Brewster, Torn Asunder: The Civil War and the 1906 Division of the Disciples

Steve Reeves, Cincinnati Christian University

Warren Lewis and Hans Rollmann, eds., Restoring the First-century Church in the Twenty-first Century: Essays on the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement in Honor of Don Haymes

Lee Snyder, University of Nebraska at Kearney

John Mark Hicks, and Bobby Valentine, Kingdom Come: Embracing the Spiritual Legacy of David Lipscomb and James Harding

Joel Stephen Williams, Regions University

Hans Conrad Fischer, Johann Sebastian Bach: His Life in Pictures and Documents

Ken Read, Cincinnati Christian University

Douglas A. Sweeney, The American Evangelical Story: A History of the Movement

Matt McCook, Oklahoma Christian University

John Witte, Jr. God?s Joust, God?s Justice: Law and Religion in the Western Tradition

Andy G. Olree, Faulkner University

James F. Sennett and Douglas Groothius, eds., In Defense Of Natural Theology: A Post-Humean Assessment

Mark D. Linville, Atlanta Christian College

C. Stephen Evans, Kierkegaard on Faith and the Self: Collected Essays

Christopher Ben Simpson, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary

James K. Beilby, ed., For Faith and Clarity: Philosophical Contributions to Christian Theology

David Paddick, Corbin, KY

Ben Witherington, III, The Problem with Evangelical Theology: Testing the Exegetical Foundations of Calvinism, Dispensationalism and Wesleyanism

Robert C.Kurka, Lincoln Christian College and Seminary

Joel B. Green and Stuart L. Palmer, In Search of the Soul: Four Views of the Mind-Body Problem

Tim Barber, Cincinnati Christian University

Donald K. McKim, ed., Calvin And The Bible

Chris Criminger, Vallonia, IN

Ida Glaser, The Bible and Other Faiths

George F. Pickens, Messiah College

N. T. Wright, Evil and the Justice of God

Jeff Robertson, Ozark Christian College

Rowland Forman, Jeff Jones, and Bruce Miller, The Leadership Baton: An Intentional Strategy for Developing Leaders in Your Church

Jonathan A. Partlow, Madisonville, KY

Lisa Wilson Davison, Preaching the Women of the Bible

Stephanie L. Johnson, Greenland, New Hampshire

Michael A. Harbin, The Promise and the Blessing: A Historical Survey of the Old and New Testaments

J. David Miller, Milligan College

Michael D. Coogan, The Old Testament: A Historical and Literary Introduction to the Hebrew Scriptures

Jason Bembry, Emmanuel School of Religion

Rolf Rendtorff, The Canonical Hebrew Bible: A Theology of the Old Testament

Paul J. Kissling, Heiligenkreuz, Austria

John H. Hayes, ed., Hebrew Bible: History of Interpretation

Daniel J. Donaldson, Central Christian College of the Bible

Tremper Longman III, Proverbs

Dave Bland, Harding University Graduate School of Religion

Johanna W. H. van WIJK-BOS, Making Wise the Simple: The Torah in Christian Faith and Practice

Gary Hall, Lincoln Christian Seminary

Carolyn Osiek and Margaret Y. MacDonald with Janet H. Tulloch, A Woman's Place: House Churches in Earliest Christianity

Gregory L. Linton, Johnson Bible College

Peter Richardson, Building Jewish in the Roman East

Robert W. Smith, Roanoke Bible College

James L. Resseguie, Narrative Criticism of the New Testament: An Introduction

Billy Strother, Atlanta Christian College

Alan P. Stanley, Did Jesus Teach Salvation by Works? The Role of Works in Salvation in the Synoptic Gospels

Jon H. McFarland, William Jessup University

James D.G. Dunn, A New Perspective on Jesus: What the Quest for the Historical Jesus Missed

Clay Alan Ham, Dallas Christian College

Dean Fleming, Contextualization in the New Testament: Patterns for Theology and Mission

Michael Halcomb, Sadieville, KY

Scot McKnight. Jesus and His Death: Historiography, the Historical Jesus, and Atonement Theory

Chris Keith, University of Edinburgh

Frank Stern, A Rabbi Looks At Jesus? Parables

Michael Moss, Ohio Valley University

Tom Thatcher, Why John Wrote a Gospel: Jesus?Memory?History

Bruce E. Shields, Emmanuel School of Religion

Will Deming, Paul on Marriage and Celibacy: The Hellenistic Background of 1 Corinthians 7

Rollin A. Ramsaran, Emmanuel School of Religion

John Dominic Crossan and Jonathan L. Reed., In Search of Paul: How Jesus? Apostle Opposed Rome?s Empire with God?s Kingdom. A New Vision of Paul?s Words & World

Rollin A. Ramsaran, Emmanuel School of Religion

N.T. Wright, Paul in Fresh Perspective

Ron Clark, Cascade College/George Fox Seminary

Leander E. Keck, Romans

Markus McDowell, Westmont College

Martin M. Culy, I, II, III John: A Handbook on the Greek Text

Neal Windham, Lincoln Christian College
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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



William R. Baker
SCJ Editor 

James Sedlacek
Review Coordinator

Betsy Chastain
Conference Registration & Subscription Manager
(513) 284-5835

Joni Sullivan Baker
Director of Development and Communications

Jeff Painter
Conference Paper Coordinator & Copyeditor
Advertising Manager