Stone-Campbell Journal Conference
Stone Campbell Scholars Community
Stone Campbell International

Competition Rules

SCJ Conference General Competition Rules

  • The SCJ Student Paper Contest will accept papers in three categories of competition: Undergraduate (Juniors/Seniors), Graduate (MA/MDiv), and Stone-Campbell History (Isaac Errett Award) — See below for specific information about each category.

  • Papers from any discipline associated with the Stone-Campbell Journal will be accepted in the competition.

  • The top three students in each category of competition will be asked to present their papers in person before judges at the conference. Finalists will be notified by March 1.

  • Finalists must register for the SCJ Conference by March 15 (finalists who do not register for the conference may be withdrawn from the contest), and attend the conference. After registering, all finalists will receive a travel stipend, currently $100 (sponsored by Abilene Christian University and Stone-Campbell International.

  • Ten schools have pledged scholarships ($2,500) toward one year of graduate school to the winners of the respective divisions of the SCJ Student Paper Competition. Participating schools include Abilene Christian University, Austin Graduate School of Theology, Brite Divinity School, Emmanuel Christian Seminary, Harding School of Theology, Hope International University, Johnson University, Lexington Theological Seminary, Lincoln Christian University, and Phillips Theological Seminary. (Terms and conditions apply.)

  • In addition, the Undergraduate and Graduate Winners in the SCJ Sponsored Competition will receive: a certificate and a pile of free books relevant to their interest and level.

  • All finalists in the SCJ sponsored competition will also receive: a one-year membership in Stone-Campbell Journal and gratis registration at the next year's SCJ Conference.

  • Recognition and awards will be presented to the contest winners at the final session of the conference on Saturday morning. All finalists must be present. Winning papers may be evaluated for possible publication in Stone-Campbell Journal.

  • All submitted papers should be: 2500-4000 words (not including footnotes and bibliography), in Microsoft Word, 12 pt. Times New Roman, double-spaced, and presentations must be no more than 20 minutes in duration, or 25 minutes for the Errett finalist presentation, which will be a parallel session in the SCJ Conference.

  • They should include: Author of the paper, email, school, sponsor name and email, degree program, field.

Undergraduate Competition

  • All submitted papers will be reviewed by a panel of readers who will select three finalist papers for presentation at the conference. After hearing the three finalist presentations, a panel of different judges will determine the winning paper.

  • Contestants must submit their paper to to Adam Bean ( by the publicized due date each year. Direct all questions to Dr. Bean.

Graduate Competition

  • All submitted papers will be reviewed by a panel of readers who will select three finalist papers for presentation at the conference. A panel of judges will determine the winning paper from the three finalist papers presented at the conference.

  • Contestants must submit their paper to to Adam Bean ( by the publicized due date each year. Direct all questions to Dr. Bean.

Isaac Errett History Award (Sponsored by the Disciples of Christ Historical Society)

  • All submitted papers will be reviewed by a panel of readers who will select one, winning paper for the Isaac Errett History Award. The author of the winning paper will be expected to present their paper at the Stone-Campbell Journal Conference as a parallel paper.

  • The Winner will receive a certificate, a monetary prize of $500 from the Disciples of Christ Historical Society, plus a one-year membership in Stone-Campbell Journal.

  • Submit the paper to: Lisa Barnett (, director of the Isaac Errett History Paper Award. Direct all questions to Dr. Barnett.

All of the above dates are hard deadlines -- No exceptions will be granted

Failure to Fulfill the Requirements of these Rules will Result in Contest Disqualification

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Volume 26 Issue 2

Current Issue:
VOLUME 26, No. 2
Fall 2023



William R. Baker
SCJ Editor 

James Sedlacek
Review Coordinator

Betsy Chastain
Conference Registration & Subscription Manager
(513) 284-5835

Joni Sullivan Baker
Director of Development and Communications

Jeff Painter
Conference Paper Coordinator & Copyeditor
Advertising Manager